This monument to Austrian composer Johann Strauss (1825-1899), also known as "the Waltz King" (amongst others he composed the famous Blue Danube Waltz), is located in Stadtpark. It was unveiled to the public in June 1921 and is currently being extensively restored. In September it will shine in renewed splendor - the poor tourists who visit Vienna until then will only see an artistically designed reproduction. I will check it out at the next opportunity...
The Gloriette is located in the gardens of Schönbrunn Palace. Built in 1775 under the reign of Empress Maria Theresia it was meant to be a "temple of glory" and also a view point. In 1780 it was equipped with glass windows and became a location for dinner and festivities. The dining room was used as such until the end of the monarchy, today it houses a café. From the Gloriette you can enjoy a beautiful view of the town!
Recently, on an unusual warm and sunny day, I took a walk in the gardens of Schönbrunn Palace and enjoyed watching these two girls making big soap bubbles. Click here for a photo of another soap bubble maker I took last autumn.
"Desperate Garden Wives" - this is the title of the current decoration in the windows of the department store Steffl. I like it a lot, not only because of the bright colours but also because there is real water running out of the watering cans.
On Fritz Wotruba Promenade, between the Museum of Applied Arts and the University of Applied Arts there is a huge concrete bulge with a hole through wich this tree is growing. A perfect motif for a photo ;-)
This is one of four "Lemure Heads" by Austrian Artist Franz West on Stubenbrücke. They were erected on the bridge on the occasion of West´s exhibition at the Museum for Applied Arts in 2001. Although originally planned to be removed after the exhibition, they were given to the museum as permanent loans and could therefore stay on the bridge.
I case you wanted to park your camping trailer or recreational vehicle in front of the Imperial Palace, let me tell you: it is not allowed! By the way, the building in the background is the Town Hall.
It´s spring!!! Finally!! At least the calender says so... There will be still some cold days, but the days are getting longer, the trees and the shrubbery will be foliating soon... This stony lady represents spring, I discovered her in Stadtpark. Unfortunately I couldn´t find any informations neither about the creator nor in which year this work was done.
Guerilla knitting is a type of street art that employs colourful displays of knitted cloth wrapped around public property like trees, street signs or lampposts. The phenomenon, called "yarnbombing" is thought to have originated in the US. Yesterday I saw it for the first time in Vienna on some trees on Ringstraße and I found out that there was a special reason for this initiative: On 19 March 1911 there was the first big demonstration for women´s rights in Vienna. On the occasion of the centenary of this demonstration 100 knitted artworks were installed along its itinerary.
Time is really flying: It´s already one year that I posted the first photo on this blog! Many thanks to all followers and everybody who occasionally visited my blog! I appreciate your comments very much, so please keep them coming. I´m very much looking forward to another year with you and hope to be able to show you another 365 beautiful, interesting, funny photos of Vienna. Let´s celebrate with these heart-shaped cakes that I discovered in the window of the "Patisserie zum Schwarzen Kameel".
This is the sign of a restaurant in the 4th district. I love the bright colours! The restaurant looks very nice from outside, unfortunately it´s rather pricey...
On Sunday the temperature was still mild, but it was windy and cloudy. Nothing could stop these two girls from unfurling their picnic blanket on the grass of Stadtpark.
Yesterday we had very fine weather, everybody was out and about taking advantage of the sunshine and the mild temperature. In Burggarten people were gathering on the grass, having a picnic, enjoying themselves...
There are three things in this photo that I like: the colour of the door (green is my favourite colour), the caryatids and the beautiful wrought-iron balustrade of the balcony. If you zoom in, you can see the crest of the Nimptsch family who owned this palace from 1775 to 1914 on the balustrade of the balcony.
Since 1948, the tailor "Wäscheflott" has become known for bespoke shirts, fabric design and the manufacture of underwear. Every shirt (and nowadays also blouse) is one of a kind and is perfectly designed and tailored by hand. For decades, prominent personalities from the arts, business and society have been among its customers.The current decoration of the shop windows was created by the Swedish designer Jessica Hansson. I like especially the old-fashioned font of the company name.
During a recent Sunday afternoon walk I discovered the sculpture "Scissors" by Austrian artist Valie Export in front of the Lower Belvedere. The 3,5m high sculpture shows two interlocking sewing shears and is made of aluminium.
Reflections on Haas Haus in the city center. On the right you can see the reflection of St. Stephen´s Cathedral. For an older, similar photo please click here.
Today is the International Women´s Day which celebrates the economic, political and social achievements of women. I think in Austria the situation of women is very good compared to a lot of other countries, but there are still many improvements to be made ( the gender wage gap).
The confectionary Oberlaa in the city center is currently presenting its "Schokerlkuchen" (light almond cake with chunks of dark chocolate) and its "Marmoguglhupf" (ring cake marbled with chocolate and with chunks of chocolate) in a carnival decoration. (Sorry for the late posting, I´m having a temperature and not feeling very well.)
I can´t help but see a striking similarity between the hairstyle of these mannequins in the window of the Chanel store and mine... ;-) Unfortunately it will still take a long time until we can wear such light clothes.
Here´s another photo I took last Saturday in the Burggarten. Behind the trees you can see the Jugendstil palm house (which houses a restaurant and the Butterfly House) and the spire of the Augustinian Church.
It was not so easy to choose the perfect photo for today, because I dont´t really have ONE favourite part of town. I like a lot of areas for different reasons, but in the end I decided to post a photo of the Donauinsel because it´s here that I preferably spend my summer evenings, riding my bicycle. In the background you can see the Millennium Tower, Austria´s highest office building. For more photos of the Donauinsel please click here, here and here. Click here to view thumbnails for all participants