After a very chilly week, on Saturday some people enjoyed the sun and the slightly "warmer" temperature in front of the restaurant "Palmenhaus" (located in a part of a Jugendstil greenhouse) in the Burggarten. I think by now everybody is awaiting eagerly the beginning of spring...
"Journeys" is the title of this artwork by young Austrian photographer Yenny Huber. She is currently displaying three dimensional photographic mirror projections of Australian landscapes at the ERCO Lighting Showroom in the second district. For more information about Yenny please click here.
The other day I was at the opening reception of a small photo exhibition. The photos were very interesting, but this bunch of yellow flowers and the blue and white background also caught my eye.
In Vienna, most of the front doors are painted in brown or in other rather dreary colours, but there are some exceptions like this blue one in Große Sperl-Gasse in the second district.
I discovered this painting on the wall of an apartment building near my office. I would love to walk in this work of art and spend some time on this beach and enjoy the blue sea and sky, especially with the current low temperature in Vienna.
The light installations on the facade of the UNIQA tower are reflected in the Danube Canal. For more photos of this office building please click here and here.
This tiny café is located at the Vorgartenmarket in the second district. I don´t know if I will ever set a foot inside (I threw a glance through the windows and didn´t like the clientele), but I like the blue outside - it looks so fresh.
I decided to use the colour blue as this week´s leitmotiv. Let´s start with this office building right next to my place and the reflections of the clouds on its facade.
As some of you may already know, I love atlantes. If you look attentively at the facades in Vienna, you will discover a lot of them, as for instance on this building on Schottenring.
I stumbled upon this car of a hardware store during my last walk in the 19th district. I think in this case the painting that imitates a wood panelling is a good idea. "I do it my way" is the advertising motto of this store. You can see a tv commercial here.
On my way to the gym I´m passing by a clothes shop where sale is still going on. Two windows are completely covered with posters saying SALE in big letters, only the feet of the mannequins are showing.
What a promise! I discovered it on the window of a gallery (a "Pop Gallery" of course) in the city center that will be opened soon. I´m wondering if this famousness will last 15 minutes according to Andy Warhol or longer...
This bookshopin the city center, located in a beautiful courtyard in Bäckerstraße, is the perfect place for graphic design and photography aficionados.
I photographed this sign already last December at the Christmas Market in front of Schönbrunn Palace, but had to wait until today to publish it ;-) Happy Valentine´s Day to all my readers!
Don´t forget: Valentine´s Day is just around the corner! Yesterday these heart-shaped cakes caught my eye. I´m not averse to tasting one of them... Who wants to be my valentine?
Currently the square in front of the Town Hall is transformed in a 6.000m2 ice rink - the "Vienna Ice Dream". Experienced skaters can dance to the sounds of disco music, novices can exercise on a special synthetic ice rink, and of course there also culinary treats and refreshments. If you don´t have your own skates, you can hire some on site.
This small bakery in Spiegelgasse in the city center is my latest find. Altough it opened already last year, I made it there only last week (but then 3 times in a row). The bread and baked goods are made by hand from organic grain and baked in a wood fired oven, which is integrated in the salesroom. I love the perfume of fresh-baked bread (which today is so rare in "normal" bakeries)! After watching the range of baked goods from outside, the young mum in this photo also gave it a try.
The last days the weather in Vienna was sunny and unusually warm for February - a very welcome foretaste of spring. The flower shop near my place has alreday decorated its windows with spring flowers in colourful buckets and jars. A delight for my eyes!
How about a slice of Gugelhupf for your afternoon coffee or tea? The confectionary Oberlaa has decorated one of its windows with a couple of Marmorgugelhupfs: ring cakes marbled with chocolate and with chunks of chocolate.
One of the current exhibitions at the Theater Museum is "The Charm of Transformation", a presentation of theatre and opera costumes. Some weeks ago I spent a very nice afternoon in this exhibition: after a guided tour we had coffee and cake in the gorgeous Eroica Hall, then a costume director and stage designer told us about her profession.
The ceiling of the Eroica hall was decorated between 1724 and 1729 by Dutch artist Jacob van Schuppen with allegories of all the artistic genres represented at the Imperial and Royal Court Academy of Painters, Sculptors and Architects. The allegory in this photo shows a painter's and sculptor's studio at the academy. Ludwig van Beethoven gave several concerts here, and in 1807 the first-ever performance of his Fourth Symphony took place in this very hall.