Saturday, July 30, 2011

Frozen Yogurt

Thanks to a friend of mine I have become a regular of "Kurt. Pure Frozen Yogurt", a recently opened store in the city center. You can choose between three flavours of yogurt and 20 toppings and create the perfect sweet delight for your taste bubs.


  1. i love frozen yogurt. when i was in high school, the 80's, where i'm from, San Diego, there was a super yummy frozen yogurt shot called Yogurt Mill. i'd always get chocolate with carob chips, so good! nice to see frozen yogurt making a comeback because there is even a shop that has opened up here in roanoke, Va, but it's probably not as good as my yogurt mill!

  2. I would be there everyday for something this delicious looking.

  3. Ooo, this looks yummy. Frozen yogurt with fruit on top.
    I want some, please.

  4. Looks delish! And I like 'em best when they're topped with fresh fruits rather than candies and sweets. They better complement the sweet and tangy yogurt, and they're colorful to the eyes!
