Some days agos I saw this girl making big soap bubbles in front of St. Charles Church. I already saw some soap bubble makers last summer in Paris (photos here and here), they have been surrounded by children trying to catch the bubbles. The Viennese have a different disposition, so the audience of this girl was rather small.
It may be a little uninspired to show you yet another amphora, but I fell in love with this one at first sight - it is located in the garden of Augarten Palace.
Last sunday, September 26th, was Europan Heritage Day, a joint action of the Council of Europe and the European Commission involving all 49 signatory states of the European Cultural Convention under the motto "Europe, a common heritage". The annual programme offers opportunities to visit buildings, monuments and sites, many of which are not normally accessible to the public. In Austria, the theme for this year referred to the "Places of pleasure". One of the buildings that was open to the public on this occasion was Augarten Palace. It was originally built in 1692 as pleasure palace for Zacharias Leeb, a merchant and city councillor. Since 1948 it houses the famous "Wiener Sängerknaben" (Vienna Boys' Choir).
In 2001 the Council of Europe proclaimed the 26th September of every year the European Day of Languages. Its aim is to encourage the learning of languages across Europe. You could try your language skills on this "phonomat", an electronic information device about sights. Just insert 1 Euro, select one of 10 languages and get some informations about your current location. The "phonomat" in this photo will tell you something about the Upper Belvedere Palace.
This is another view of the "Haus zum Goldenen Becher" on Stock im Eisen-Platz, designed by Alexander Wielemans and constructed from 1881 to 1883. I love the oriel! Unfortunately I couldn´t find any information about the history of its name ("goldener Becher" = "golden bowl"), although it might be interesting.
This balcony is part of the "Haus zum Goldenen Becher", constructed in 1881, on Stock im Eisen-Platz in the city center, right next to St. Stephen´s Cathedral.
As I mentioned already here, I adore France, and I especially love Paris. So I was really delighted when I saw the most important Parisian sights on the windows of a clothes shop in the city center.
As I told you already some time ago, you can see an increasing number of scooters on the streets of Vienna. As a matter of fact they are catching my eye nearly everywhere! I stumbled upon these three some days ago in the city center and liked them immediately because of their colours.
This apartment is located right behind MuseumsQuartier in the 7th district. It must be nice living up there, above the rooftops, enjoying an unconfined view of the city...
This white table and chairs invite passers-by to stop at SchokoLadenWerkstatt, a chocolate shop in the city center (which I mentioned already here and here), and indulge one´s sweet tooth.
Well, it´s not as if there were lemon trees all over Vienna, the title of this post is from a song of a german band (you can see the video here)... I found this lemon tree in the Hirschstetten Flower Gardens last week and liked it a lot because it made me believe for a few moments to be in some southern country.
This is another view of the courtyard of the baroque house on St. Ulrichs-Platz. I love the plants in the pots as well as the small table and the chairs. And I like the idea of the inhabitants gathering there and enjoying good chats with each other.
This beautiful baroque house is located on St. Ulrichs-Platz in Vienna´s 7th district. It was built in the second half of the 18th century as indicates the sign beside the doorway.
This nice sign indicates a French grocery store that I discovered lately in a small street in the 7th district. Unfortunately the store was closed, and I couldn´t even find any opening hours - too bad, I adore France and would love to have a look at the range of products in this store.
The cupcakes are finding their way to Vienna... Recently the first cupcakes shop opened in Josefstädter Strasse in the 8th district, offering 20 different flavours. The shop is small, but very appealing and there are also two tables where you can have a cup of coffee, eat your cupcake and observe not only the coming and going of the customers but also the activities in the bakery.
The other day I took advantage of a day off to go to the Hirschstetten Flower Gardens, the cultivation gardens of the Municipal Department which is in charge of the Viennese parks and gardens. It was opened in 1952, extends over 60.000 square meters and houses a rich variety of flowers and plants, presented in a multitude of ways. On the shore of a small lake I found these inviting deck chairs.
I stumbled upon this summerly decoration in the window of an optician on Kärntnerstrasse one week ago. It would be really nice if the sun would shine on, yesterday it was cold and the sky was clouded and the weather forecast for today is even worse. Where´s the Indian summer?
Some time ago I told you about the "Enzis", the courtyard furniture of MuseumsQuartier. Last month the new generation of this furniture has arrived, the so called "Enzos". They are now made of polyethylene, so they are more fireproof, more resistant against damage and 100% recyclable. The design changed only in the details, however from now on the colours won´t change every year, but there will be several colours at the same time. The names of the current colours are "Lush Meadow Green", "Ivory Tusk White", "Strawberry Field Red" and "Candy Shop Pink". Yesterday at noon the "Enzos" were occupied as usual by people soaking up the sun, relaxing, chatting with friends...
Home made chocolate candies at SchokoLadenWerkstatt in the city center (I have mentioned this chocolate shop already here). I haven´t yet tried all flavors, so I think I have to return there pretty soon ;-) Please note the mouse shaped pralines...
According to the Mercer 2010 Quality of Living Survey, Vienna retains the top spot as the city with the world´s best quality of living. This joyful result prompted the initiative "I love Vienna": a website where everybody can upload a video and declare his love to Vienna, all these videos will be collected and then - hopefully - result in the world´s longest declaration of love. The current footage is 14 hours, 49 minutes and 59 seconds. In case you also want to take part in this inititative, you can do it here.
I wasn´t aware of how many atlantes can be found on Viennese buildings until lately. In this photo I like also the small balcony. Well, I like balconies in general...
Unfortunately I didn´t make it to any open air market during the opening hours, so you have to content yourself with this photo of Naschmarkt, Vienna´s most popular market, last sunday afternoon. Click here to view thumbnails for all participants